v-labs.ai-Ashish Kumar Srivastava

Ashish Kumar Srivastava

President & Business Head

Ashish is a senior executive with a career of over three decades in the IT industry. He has managed large international businesses & cutting-edge technology initiatives involving AI, Digital, & Telecom. He led several large-scale transformational programs in Europe & North America & headed a global product company.

v-labs.ai-Ramakrishna Potti

Ramakrishna Potti

Vice President - Head of Delivery & Operations

Ramakrishna leads customer delivery & productization. He has led engineering of AI enabled Automation platform for a global major & was responsible for early adoption & productizing the solutions. He has spent 25+ years in building & operationalizing complex OSS/BSS solutions for telecom service providers for global customers


v-labs.ai-Sujith P

Sujith P

Head of Technology
v-labs.ai-Shiva Kumar K A

Shiva Kumar K A

Department Head - Computer Vision

Nijil K

Department Head - Natural Lanugage Processing


Department Head - High Performance Computing
v-labs.ai-Amardeep Jagtap

Amardeep Jagtap

Department Head - Sensor AI and Client Solutions

Shijoy Varghese

Client Solutions
v-labs.ai-Mahalingam Bhaskaran

Mahalingam Bhaskaran

Client Solutions
v-labs.ai-Eric Gelder

Eric Gelder

Client Solutions


We cultivate a thriving work environment that prioritizes employee growth, well-being, & professional development.
Our commitment to investing in our team ensures a fulfilling & rewarding employee experience

v-labs.ai-Subith P

Sujith P

The work environment is motivating, fostering a collaborative atmosphere with passionate colleagues who are driven to excel in their work. Together, we create a culture of innovation, pushing boundaries, & finding creative solutions to customer challenges.

v-labs.ai-Nijil K

Nijil K

My journey with V-Labs is filled with passion, inspiration, & innovation. V-Labs gives us the opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies. Here, I have the opportunity to collaborate with brilliant minds full of ideas, passion, & enthusiasm, which also pushes me to exp& my knowledge & horizons. Every day presents new challenges that drive continuous learning & growth. We are surrounded by high-performance & collaborative teams that are always there to help with any problems. Being part of the growth journey of V-Labs has been immensely fulfilling, & I am able to witness the positive impact we make on industries. I am grateful for the opportunities & experiences V-Labs has provided me, & I eagerly look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead

v-labs.ai-Amardeep Jagtap

Amardeep Jagtap

V-Labs focus is on disruptive transformation through a purposeful AI-driven approach to business process. Freedom allows to explore & think freely, which bring out best preforming & innovative solutions for a given problem. V-Labs is providing me an excellent platform for utilizing my skills in data analytics, machine learning & sensor physics for building novel solutions. In addition, I get a chance to interact with client & end-user for underst&ing their exact need, which allows to design the problem-solving solution.

v-labs.ai-Srikara P

Srikara P

The best thing about working at V-Labs is the team & an opportunity to build impactful products. V-Labs encourages the culture of multiple people with advanced degrees to work together in a team to identify & solve problems by deploying our analytical & computational skills. Furthermore we are continuously challenged, encouraged to keep ourselves on new technologies, & also product ideas to alleviate customer pain points.

v-labs.ai-Prateek Singh

Prateek Singh

I have been working at V-Labs since 2021 on problems related to computer vision & NLP. The work I do here aligns with my work interest & that's why I enjoy every moment of doing it. Working on challenging problems with a great team motivates me towards my work here.

v-labs,ai-Sai Teja G

Sai Teja G

When I was at IISc. I enrolled for a course "Machine learning for signal processing", in the first assignment for this course, we had to train the machine to identify happy faces & sad faces using PCA & LDA. I was captivated by how a machine can do so my just knowing the pixel information. Then started looking for an opportunity to spend time & learning more about AI/ML. I got the opportunity to join Vijna Labs, where I spent 2-3 months on implementing face recognition on an edge TPU device by google. Later after my graduation in the July 2020, I joined Vijna Labs as full-time employee.

v-labs.ai-Shivakumar K. A

Shivakumar K. A

V-Labs offers a scope for learning & growth, with challenging projects & advanced technology. You'll work with supportive seniors in a great team environment. Our work culture values ethics & merit-driven success. Join us for impactful & rewarding opportunities.

v-labs-ai-Rajarshi Bandopadhyay

Rajarshi Bandopadhyay

V-Labs has completed my Ikigai It allows me to do what I love the most which is to solve problems using ingenuity, design, rigour & tinkering. It allows me to make actual use of knowledge & skills that I have spent a quarter of a century mastering to the best I use I can put it to. It allows me to make a difference to the world. Finance is a perennial necessity of human existence, & in recent years this area of human endeavour has been complected to near-insanity. Being able to devise intelligent automated solutions for difficult problems in finance, I feel that I can make a difference in the lives of many. & finally, I am paid to a degree that I am grateful for.

v-labs.ai-Anik Goyal

Anik Goyal

I work hard because I love my Work - Working with V-labs is incredibly exciting. I am constantly being challenged to innovate. Throughout this process, I continue to learn a lot of new things that benefit helps both my organisation & me. The atmosphere at V-labs is quite welcoming where I can easily approach my seniors for discussions. This fosters a positive & productive environment. V-Labs recognises my performance & rewards me accordingly. This gives me confidence that my work is valued here.

v-labs.ai-Kaustubh Roy

Kaustubh Roy

I am respected as an independent thinker & allowed the freedom to make my own design decisions. I believe the flexibility & respect afforded to me helps me go above & beyond my capabilities & take up more responsibilities than I otherwise would. A free-thinking environment is the essence of innovation. I live for challenges, & so far, work at V-Labs hasn't disappointed me.

v-labs.ai-Praveen Kumar Manupati

Praveen Kumar Manupati

V-Labs offers the opportunity to engage in challenging projects that require solving complex problems & working with state-of-the-art technology. This provides a stimulating & intellectually satisfying environment. V-Labs gives me the opportunity & flexibility to work on tasks that align with my interests & skills, making my work more enjoyable & fulfilling. V-Labs fosters a positive & proactive team environment where individuals have a can-do attitude. This promotes teamwork & a supportive atmosphere among colleagues, where ideas are highly valued & welcomed, & inputs & suggestions are considered & appreciated. Moreover, V-Labs embraces a flat hierarchy, promoting direct communication & collaboration, fostering a sense of autonomy & empowerment among employees.

v-labs.ai-Bhargav Manevarthe

Bhargav Manevarthe

I am thrilled to be a part of V-labs, where my work makes a profound impact not only on the company but also on society &, most importantly, people. The collaborative environment with like-minded individuals possessing diverse skill sets fosters a dynamic & enriching atmosphere. The V-labs culture promotes enhancement in not only technical abilities but also in professional growth. I find great alignment between my expertise & the company's focus, providing me with a profound sense of relevance & purpose. The steep learning curve & unwavering motivation to exp& my skills contribute to a culture that wholeheartedly values excellence.

v-labs.ai-Ashwani Kushwaha

Ashwani Kushwaha

The Colleagues are very enthusiastic about discussing new approaches & ideas. With every project, I get new challenges varying from data analytics to approaches to solving them. I can be very expressive with respect to ideas & innovation. Credibility allows us to work on challenging tasks/problems while I never felt any hierarchy among us.

v-labs.ai-Eric Gelder

Eric Gelder

I enjoy working for Vlabs because of the dynamic & fast-paced environment that provides constant growth opportunities. The cutting-edge nature of AI technology means we are at the forefront of innovation, constantly pushing boundaries & exp&ing our skill sets. This challenging nature fosters personal & professional development. The ability to contribute to shaping the future of AI & witnessing the tangible impact of our work is highly rewarding & fulfilling. Overall, being part of VLabs offers a unique blend of intellectual stimulation, career growth, & the satisfaction of making a meaningful difference in a rapidly evolving field.